
ag and tech ed

Agricultural and Technology Education


ag econ and econ

Agricultural Economics and Economics


animal and range

Animal and Range Sciences

land resources

Land Resources and Environmental Sciences



Microbiology and Cell Biology


plant sciences

Plant Sciences and Plant Pathology


Undergraduate Majors and Minors

  • Agricultural Business
    • Agribusiness Management
    • Farm & Ranch Management
  • Agricultural Education
    • Broadfield Teaching
    • Communications, Extension & Leadership
  • Animal Science
    • Equine Science
    • Livestock Management & Industry
    • Science
  • Biotechnology
    • Animal Systems
    • Microbial Systems
    • Plant Systems
  • Cell Biology and Neuroscience
    • Biomedical Sciences
    • Pre-Health Professions (special programs)
  • Environmental Horticulture
    • Environmental Horticulture Science
    • Landscape Design
  • Environmental Sciences
    • Environmental Biology
    • Geospatial & Environmental Analysis
    • Land Rehabilitation
    • Soil & Water Sciences
  • Finanical Engineering
  • Microbiology
    • Environmental Health
    • Environmental Microbiology
    • Medical Lab Science
    • Pre-Medical Track
    • Pre-Veterinary Track
  • Natural Resources & Rangeland Ecology
    • Rangeland Ecology & Management
    • Wildlife Habitat Ecology & Management
  • Plant Science
    • Crop Science
    • Plant Biology
  • Ranching Systems
  • Sustainable Food & Bioenergy Systems
    • Agroecology
    • Sustainable Crop Production
    • Sustainable Food Systems
  • Technology Education
    • Industrial Technology
    • Broadfield Teaching
  • Agricultural Business
  • Animal Science
  • Astrobiology
  • Entomology
  • Environmental Horticulture
  • Finanical Engineering
  • Genetics
  • Microbiology
  • Natural Resources & Rangeland Ecology
  • Soil Science
  • Water Resources

College of Agriculture listings in the MSU Catalog can be found here.

The WIMU Regional Program in Veterinary Medicine serves the states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Utah. 

Up to ten Montana students will spend their first year in Bozeman at Montana State University. MSU faculty teach the first-year curriculum. Classroom and clinical study will continue in years 2 and 3 on Washington State University's Pullman campus. In the 4th year, students have the opportunity to learn in a wide network of clinical placements throughout the four-state region.

Learn more on our WIMU Program page.

Graduate Programs

  • Applied Economics
  • Agricultural Education
  • Animal & Range Sciences
    • Animal Science Emphasis
    • Range Science Emphasis
  • Entomology
  • Land Rehabilitation
  • Land Resources & Environmental Sciences
    • Thesis Option
    • Professional Option (fully online)
  • Microbiology & Cell Biology
  • Plant Pathology
  • Plant Sciences
  • Animal and Range Sciences
    • Animal Science Emphasis
    • Range Science Emphasis
  • Ecology & Environmental Sciences
  • Microbiology & Cell Biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Plant Sciences
    • Plant Genetics Option
    • Plant Pathology Option
  • Applied Economic Analysis